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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Valerie Mason-John (Vimalasara)'s Dharma Talks at New York Insight Meditation Center
Valerie Mason-John (Vimalasara)
Valerie Mason-John is a playwright and author of eight books. She works as a consultant in conflict transformation, restorative justice, leadership, and anti-bullying. She lives in British Columbia, and is chairperson of Vancouver Buddhist Centre, where she leads a weekly meditation class for people in recovery from addiction.
2019-10-19 am01-introduction to day and chanting 1:15:00
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 pm01-brief intro to anapanasati-1st tetrad+guided-meditation 23:03
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 am02-reflections on metta pratice 12:17
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 am03-guided-metta-meditation 32:09
some noise in background - new york, new york
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 am04-share-after metta practice edning with chant 26:52
some noise in background - new york, new york
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 pm02-triad group share 'who built the house' 13:50
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 pm03-chanting the heart sutra 27:01
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath
2019-10-19 pm04-reflections on heart sutra and concluding the day 50:09
background noise at the end
New York Insight Meditation Center Freeing Ourselves from Mental Slavery With the Power of the Breath

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