The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
From Me to We - and Beyond - Morning Session
2015-10-10 From Me to We - and Beyond - Morning Session 1:54:16
“We do not ‘come into’ this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.” — Alan Watts Realizing interconnectedness is the key to living with wisdom and compassion. Buddhism teaches that the delusion of separateness is at the root of all our unhappiness, and encourages us to recognize our deep connectedness to all beings and all things. The Buddha gifted us a beautiful meditation—the Six Element Practice—to help us let go of our narrow sense of self-identity so that we can experience instead an expansive and liberating sense of connection with the world and with other beings. In this day-long retreat we will explore our interconnectedness with each other and with the elements, with planet earth and with the universe. We'll learn to see ourselves afresh, with awe and appreciation at our place in the scheme of things, and a sense of gratitude and wonder at the miracle of being. The day will include sitting practice, as well as short talks, with plenty of time for group sharing.
New York Insight Meditation Center

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